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It's a Nutty World

The Lurking of the Zone

The Lurking of the Zone

The Zone is lurking about. Will you find the Zone?  It took me a while, but someone said, "Mix in a strike" ... and I found the Zone. But now it's even better, you can talk to the Zone. 

Believe this, the Zone can and does talk back at times. When my mind is going in all the right channels, the ball hits the Zone. But when I get a little frisky, sassy and rambunctious with my thoughts running wild, that ball can get real hot, real fast. If it comes back at you, better cover up. If you get hit by that fast-moving projectile, it's ugly. 

Yep, the Zone works in mysterious ways, responding to my thoughts. Though most of the time the only thing I was thinking was, "Are you shittin' me?" (a common baseball term).

Moral of the story is, "He who thinks long, thinks wrong."



Spread the word... A lot of athletes are still injuring their family jewels because they don't understand how and why you need a three piece protective system for your protective cup.

Our Founder/Inventor, Mark Littell, a former MLB pitcher, created an entire system to give athletes the best protection, support and comfort. Our system includes three separate pieces (NuttyBuddy Athletic Cup, NuttyBuddy Jock and NuttyBuddy Lock Compression Shorts) and is designed from the ground up for maximum protection. The NB jock to be worn OVER the NB Lock compression shorts with the NB cup inserted in between is a system that has been proven to work again and again over the past 13 years.

We invented this system with a NuttyBuddy because our cup is not flat, it is anatomically correct and is curved to fit snug to your body. (By the way, our cup is the only cup on the market that is anatomically correct allowing your junk to hang naturally). Our jock strap is used to hold the NB cup tight to your body and is worn on the outside of the shorts (our shorts hold your package up and in one place) in order to provide maximum comfort and protection. Just like the pros! You get the best of both worlds - luxury and protection.

We spent years trying to find the best solution and we firmly believe we still have the best design on the market. When you wear the NuttyBuddy system correctly, the cup will "float" with the movement of your body. It is way better than an inside pouch, which only gives the illusion that the cup is in the correct position. You want your cup snug to your body, and we found that pouches did not do that as they are designed to just hold the cup and not hold it tight. If it's not snug, it's useless. The Jock and shorts combination is how the professionals wear cups. We believe in this system so much we trademarked “Wear It Like A Pro®”.

GIT'ER DONE - Story about Reggie Jackson

GIT'ER DONE - Story about Reggie Jackson

Striking out Reggie Jackson was always a mystery to me. When he was in Baltimore, I got him to ground out to the second baseman in the sixth. He jogged by me on the back side of the mound and said loud enough for that even I could hear, "Nice fastball kid." Right. 

He came back up in the ninth. I threw my fastball, which turned into a ball, and put the count at 1-1. Now it was time to throw my money pitch. A slider, tight and hard. 

Result: broken bat and a ground out to the second baseman. 

Reggie came by the backside of the mound again heading to dugout. He said nothing, so I hollered at him, "Nice fastball!"!